This film tells the story about "Danube Swabians“, descendants of the youngest German tribes who immigrated to the territory of Vojvodina, in the eighteenth century, searching for a better life. The story follows their destiny from the very beginnings of settlement in this region, through their position during the Second World War, to the present time.Maria is a descendant of Danube Swabians. She comes in Vojvodina to find the old house of her grandfather who was exiled after World War II. On the way she meets a local guy Misho, who helps her in it. Together they travel across Vojvodina, meeting witnesses of traumatic post-war events who have survived communist concentration camps. That’s how they discover completely new facts about Danube Swabians that have been hidden from the public for decades.Supported by:
Provincial Secretariat for Culture of Vojvodina
Donauschwäbisches Zentralmuseum, Ulm
Die Donauschwäbische Kulturstiftung, MünchenSelected festivals and the awards:
Beldocs, Belgrade, Serbia - 2012
Ovo je film o ”Podunavskim Švabama”, potomcima najmlađeg nemačkog plemena koje se, u potrazi za boljim životom, doselilo na teritoriju Vojvodine u XVIII veku. Priča prati njihovu sudbinu od samih početaka naseljavanja u ovu regiju, preko položaja za vreme Drugog svetskog rata, pa sve do sadašnjeg vremena.Film govori o Mariji, devojci koja je potomak Podunavskih Švaba. Ona dolazi u Vojvodinu da pronađe staru kuću svoga dede koji je proteran posle Drugog svetskog rata. Tu upoznaje lokalnog momka Mišu koji joj pomaže u njenom poduhvatu. Zajedno putuju po Vojvodini, susreću svedoke traumatičnih posleratnih događaja koji su preživeli komunističke logore, i otkrivaju potpuno nove činjenice o životu Podunavskih Švaba koje su decenijama bile skrivane od javnosti.Realizaciju filma pomogli:
Pokrajinski sekretarijat za kulturu AP Vojvodine
Donauschwäbisches Zentralmuseum, Ulm
Die Donauschwäbische Kulturstiftung, MünchenFestivali i nagrade:
Beldocs, Beograd, Srbija - 2012
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